About Us
Blog Owners
We are a group of 4 siblings born to two high school sweethearts whom are still happily married after 40+ years. There is a 13 year span from the oldest to the youngest and each of our personalities is very different. Our parents encouraged us to be our own person and to express our own opinions and not the popular opinion. They also taught us to do the best at everything we do and take responsibility for our actions and decisions and to pursue all of our interests and reach for our dreams.
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$user_info = get_userdata(4);
echo $user_info->user_description . “\n”;
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echo $user_info->display_name . “\n”;
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echo $user_info->user_description . “\n”;
$user_info = get_userdata(5);
echo $user_info->display_name . “\n”;
$user_info = get_userdata(5);
echo $user_info->user_description . “\n”;
Guest Bloggers
Because the “Average American Family” comes in all shapes and sizes, we have invited guest bloggers to share their ideas, knowledge, and experiences on our blog. Are you interested in being a guest blogger? Click on the “Contact” sticky note on our bulletin board and tell us why you are an “Average American Family”.
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$user_info = get_userdata(9);
echo $user_info->user_description . “\n”;