Finding Free Kindle Books

If there is anything I really love is books and when they are FREE that is even better!  I was one who usually had boxes of books that I had gotten from various places and people and these were put where ever I could find a corner to stick them.  I also had boxes and bags of books that I had read that were ready to be passed on or donated to be read by someone else.  I had bookcases that were overflowing with books but that has changed.


About a year ago, I got an iPad and downloaded the free Kindle reading app and entered the world of Kindle Books and am loving it! Ever take a book with you to start reading on the train and then find out it was one you already read and do not want to read it again?  Or how about you start reading it and find you do not like the subject matter?  Now you aer on the train carrying a book you do not want to read and you may not have a second book with you.  Now I can carry literally hundreds of books with me at one time and without breaking my back because of the weight.  If I decide I do not like the book I am reading, I can just pick another one out of my library and start reading that.


For Christmas we gave my mother the Kindle Fire as she is another who likes to read all the time.  She is also one of the people I exchanged books with to replenish my supply or to reduce the number of books sitting in my house.  She is loving the Kindle Fire, and she said that my Dad likes to use it to play games.  She says she often has to tell him that she wants to read her book now so that he will give it back to her.


The hardest thing for me at first was finding books to read without breaking the bank and figured there has to be a cheaper way of getting books for my Kindle Reading App.  So I did a little research and found this link:  Free Kindle Bookswhich gives me an entire list of Kindle Books that are free or almost free!  The books on this list are always changing as an author could decide to offer a book free at anytime.  You also need to be careful when buying these books to make sure they are still free at the time you “purchase” the book as the author could also start charging for this book as quickly as they decided to offer it free.  Make sure you bookmark the link for Free Kindle Books so you can visit this page on a regular basis to find new books of interest.


You do not need to own a Kindle device to enjoy reading Kindle books.  Kindle offers free reading apps for the browser and most mobile devices.  Free Kindle Reader Apps can be found at   I have over 1,500 Kindle books and a large percentage of them I have not paid anything for them.  No I have not read them all and some of them are just reference books for subjects I am interested in such as saving money, computers, photography, etc.    I have found some new authors that I enjoy and have gone on to purchase other books that they have written.  I have also found some authors I did not like reading and I am glad that I did not pay money to purchase their book.


Do not want a Kindle reading app but want to get a Kindle instead?  Then take a look at the Kindles at and find the one that fits you best.  Want to earn free Amazon Gift Cards to help you purchase a Kindle, then check out my post on Swagbucks!


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